Class Descriptions
Learn More at Bloom
Bloom's classes are taught in the Hatha yoga tradition with an emphasis on healthy alignment. Hatha yoga refers to the physical practice of yoga, meaning the practice of poses and observance of breath as a means to health and peace of mind. Class levels are intended to be an indicator of pacing and the amount of detailed instruction provided. Each of our teachers brings their own unique blend of experience, focus, and personality to class. We encourage you to check out individual teacher bios to get a better sense of what to expect from class with a particular teacher.
Looking for individualized instruction?

Level 1
Build a solid foundation in the basic poses. Level 1 classes are appropriate for those who are newer to yoga as well as continuing students who are looking to refine their experience of the core poses. Classes emphasize standing poses, basic sun salutations, gentle backbends and twists, and preparation for inversions. In addition to developing strength, flexibility, and ease in the body, the Level 1 student will also explore quieting the mind via brief breath and mindfulness practices. Reconnect and tap into yoga’s stress relieving benefits. Bloom's Yoga 101 workshop is recommended prior to attending Level 1 classes, but beginners are also welcome.
Level 1-2
Flow through your practice as you deepen your understanding of a variety of yoga poses, breath and meditation practices, as well as aspects of the practice that go beyond the mat to support you in living with greater ease and intention. Level 1-2 classes are geared towards experienced students who are seeking an energizing yet balanced practice. Explore sun salutation variations, more vigorous backbends, twists, balance poses, and inversions, as well as breathwork and meditation practices, all designed to support your wellbeing. Prior yoga experience and familiarity with basic poses recommended.
Level 2
Deepen your practice and challenge yourself physically and mentally. For more advanced practitioners, Level 2 classes work from a base of vigorous sun salutations to explore challenging variations of poses, including arm balances, deeper twist variations, standing balance poses, inversions, and backbends. Level 2 teachers are skilled at offering modifications that build towards a pose in a way that is safe and appropriate for each individual student. Yogic breath and meditation techniques as well as philosophical concepts may also be explored. This holistic practice is intended to support you in finding strength, equanimity, and wellbeing. Proficiency with foundational yoga poses recommended.
Slow down and reap the rewards of a gentler approach to yoga. This class moves at a more relaxed pace to allow for increased emphasis on breathing and quieting of body and mind. Gentle does not necessarily mean easy! These classes promote strength and mobility, and incorporate conscious breath and mindfulness practices, as well as restorative poses. Gentle yoga is appropriate for students of all levels, including those who are brand new to yoga, students who are recovering from injuries or experiencing limitations, as well as experienced yoga students seeking a slower and more introspective practice intended to promote a state of calm and wellbeing.
Yoga & Meditation
Integrate the physical benefits of your yoga practice with a dedicated experience of breathwork and meditation. Students are guided through a mindful sequence of yoga poses infused with conscious breathing techniques. Guided meditation practices will be woven into the sequence using a variety of techniques and positions to make this experience of mindfulness more accessible. This class will help you take your practice beyond asana (poses) to find greater peace and calm. No previous meditation experience is necessary however some prior yoga experience is recommended.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is a perfect complement to the dynamic, muscular (yang) styles of yoga that build internal heat and emphasize the lengthening and contracting of muscles. Yin Yoga incorporates long, passive holds in asana (no standing poses) to penetrate the body deeper than the muscle tissue, generally targeting the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine. Breathwork and mindfulness techniques are also incorporated to help the student experience peacefulness deep at their core and a sense of heightened energy throughout the entire body. The use of props and modifications makes this class suitable for students of all levels of experience.
Tips for a Better Practice
Keep your digestive system happy:
Avoid eating anything heavy before class
Be an early bird:
Plan on arriving 10 to 15 minutes prior to class
Curb your phone:
Don't be the one whose lovely rendition of Fur Elise interrupts a perfectly nice moment of relaxation
School your teacher:
Before class begins, let your instructor know if you have any injuries or medical conditions, or if you’re pregnant
Dress the part:
Wear comfortable clothes and remove shoes and socks
It’s all about you:
If a pose feels uncomfortable or painful, don’t hesitate to let the teacher know and come out of the pose, even if the rest of the class continues with the sequence
Vin + Yin Yoga
Balance your energy and quiet your mind with this dynamic practice. In the first half of class you will move through active yoga poses, linking breath and movement to harness your energy and warm the body. Wind down during the second half of class with a sequence of Yin poses, holding each for several minutes to create a calming, meditative effect. Combining a Vinyasa Flow (yang) and a Yin practice promotes better mobility and strength in your joints, ligaments, and deep connective tissues, while also challenging your mind to stay present. Prior yoga experience and familiarity with basic
poses recommended.
Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga uses a series of just a few simple poses, in which the body is fully supported by props. In each pose you will be guided to find maximum comfort, then you’ll remain in that easeful position for an extended period of time to promote deep relaxation. Restorative Yoga has been found to positively affect sleep quality and overall energy. This class is appropriate for students of all levels, although some previous experience with yoga is recommended. Props are provided.
Prepare for the birth of your baby and work to alleviate pregnancy-related discomforts by practicing gentle, modified yoga poses and breathing exercises. Prenatal yoga class is a wonderful opportunity for pregnant women to connect and celebrate their changing bodies and growing babies. Poses practiced in class aim to build strength and softness simultaneously in preparation for labor and birth. Appropriate for all stages of pregnancy.
Baby & Me
Bring baby along as you connect with other caregivers and help your body recover from the strains of carrying and caring for a little one. You will practice poses that involve and entertain baby while promoting bonding. Take care of yourself and enjoy some social time! Appropriate for caregivers and non-crawling babies. Though class is not overly strenuous, we recommend that postpartum women get their midwife or doctor's approval prior to attending.
Parent & Tot
Too busy chasing your toddler to make time for yoga class? Not anymore! Bring your little one (crawling through age 2) for this playful weekly drop-in class that will give you a chance to sneak in some yoga as your child does their own variation of down dog beside you. It's the perfect way to take care of yourself while caring for your child. Meet other parents of toddlers as you stretch, strengthen, and relax and gain tips for how to bring some yoga into your daily
life as a parent. For parents (or caregivers) & little ones, crawling through age 2. Class fee includes attendance for 1 adult and up to 2 children. Additional children may attend for $10 per child.
Community Class
Recommended for those with some previous experience with yoga, Bloom's Community Class is a mixed level practice taught by our yoga teacher trainees. This class is intended to offer accessible yoga for the community while providing our wonderful teachers-in-training with additional experience teaching in a group class setting. The class will either be taught by a group of up to four teachers who each teach a portion of the class, or it will be taught by a solo instructor. Enjoy a balanced sequence of poses and techniques that offer strength, flexibility, conscious breath, and relaxation, and show your support for the next generation of yoga teachers.

Kids Yoga
Students will practice traditional yoga poses such as Lion, Tree, and Warrior to help them cultivate a deeper understanding of their environment while developing strength, flexibility, coordination and balance - in both body and mind. Poses are taught in a way that encourages creativity and exploration, helping to develop greater self-confidence and self-awareness.
Class may explore breathing techniques that can be used during the school day, at home, or whenever there is a need to calm and hit the reset button. As this is a very playful age, the class focuses on games, imagination, stories, and simple practices to introduce the healthful benefits of yoga.
No previous yoga experience necessary.
See workshop schedule for our next sessions of yoga for kids.
New to Yoga?
Bloom's Yoga 101 Workshop is recommended for those who are just beginning their yoga practice. Yoga 101 provides a solid foundation in the essential poses, preparing students for Level 1 classes.
Private Lessons
Explore ways to individualize your practice through a private lesson with one of Bloom's teachers. Private lessons allow you the time and individual attention to ask questions about a particular pose, work through challenges, and find modifications that are right for you as an individual. With the teacher's close attention on you in every pose, together you may discover something new that will help to refocus and refresh your practice.